Wood You Like Company


Art Direction, Web Design, Development


WOOD YOU LIKE COMPANYは、自然素材と職人の手仕事を大切に、愛着がめぐる暮らしをつくる家具のブランドです。マルチプルスはブランドサイトのアートディレクション、デザイン、実装を担当しました。Wordpress をカスタマイズして構築しています。

WOOD YOU LIKE COMPANY is a furniture brand that values natural materials and artisan craftsmanship, creating furniture that fosters a sense of attachment in everyday living. Multiples were in charge of art direction, web design and development of its site. It was built by customizing WordPress.

Creative Direction: KESIKI
Photography: Masaki Ogawa
Styling: Takashi Imayoshi
Visual Identity: &form